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07/12/2023 07h01 Atualizado 07/12/2023
PMA multa dona de fazenda onde teria surgido foco de inc�ndio
A Pol�cia Militar Ambiental (PMA) multou em R$ 19 milh�es a dona de uma fazenda onde come�ou um inc�ndio que tomou grandes propor��es e atingiu o Parque Estadual do Pantanal do Rio Negro, em Mato Grosso do Sul, no m�s passado. Neste ano, mais de 1 milh�o de hectares foram devastados pelo fogo no bioma. Veja o acima.
A multa administrativa foi aplicada ap�s imagens de sat�lite do N�cleo de Geotecnologias do Minist�rio P�blico de Mato Grosso do Sul (Nugeo-MPMS) constatarem a degrada��o na �rea. As informa��es da multa foram confirmadas pela PMA.
O poker ofc tentou retorno com o MPMS sobre o caso, mas n�o foi respondido at� a �ltima atualiza��o deste conte�do. A dona da fazenda Santa Edwiges, que mora no Rio de Janeiro, n�o foi localizada.
In�cio do fogo
Bombeiros tentam combater queimadas no Pantanal de MS
A apura��o do caso come�ou ap�s imagens de sat�lite do MPMS constataram um forte ponto de igni��o - queima feita com combust�vel, mesmo sem chama - na fazenda Santa Edwiges.
Ap�s a confec��o do laudo, o MPMS acionou a PMA, que foi � fazenda identificar a �rea degrada e encontrou a fazenda abandonada. Para a pol�cia, n�o restam d�vidas de que o grande foco partiu da propriedade rural administrada pela fazendeira carioca.
"Fomos atender a solicita��o do MPMS de Corumb� nesta propriedade. O atendimento foi a partir do laudo do n�cleo, que constatou a �rea danificada. O ponto de igni��o foi nesta propriedade multada", detalha a capit�.
O poker ofc apurou que a propriet�ria ainda n�o assinou o termo de ci�ncia da multa. O relat�rio do desmatamento s� ser� encaminhado ao Instituto do Meio Ambiente do estado (Imasul) ap�s a fazendeira ser notificada. Al�m do �rg�o, a Pol�cia Civil pode ser acionada para investigar o caso.
Fogo no Pantanal de MS. �
: Reprodu��o
Fogo no Pantanal
Desde o in�cio de novembro, as chamas tomaram o Pantanal, fazendo com que o bioma tivesse o pior m�s de novembro da hist�ria, com 4.134 focos de fogo. O que os especialistas explicam � que o fogo � resultado do baixo volume de chuva, calor intenso e a vegeta��o ressecada na regi�o.
Neste ano, mais de 1 milh�o de hectares foram consumidos pelas chamas no Pantanal. O Pantanal abriga uma diversidade �nica, incluindo v�rias esp�cies amea�adas, ao todo s�o:
??3,5 mil esp�cies de plantas??325 esp�cies de peixes??53 esp�cies de anf�bios??98 esp�cies de r�pteis??656 esp�cies de aves??159 tipos de mam�feros
O Imasul emitiu nota oficial sobre a multa:
O Imasul informa que o Auto de Infra��o foi lavrado pela unidade da Pol�cia Militar Ambiental em Corumb� e ainda n�o foi enviado o relat�rio da ocorr�ncia para que seja feita a abertura do respectivo procedimento administrativo no Instituto. Isso deve ocorrer nos pr�ximos dias.
Veja s de Mato Grosso do Sul:
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Essequibo brasileiro? Parte do territ�rio em disputa j� foi do Brasil
PF prende 9 suspeitos de tr�fico de coca�na no Aeroporto de Guarulhos
Criminosos mandavam droga para Europa e �frica em malas despachadas irregularmente.
Deputado estadual � suspeito de chefiar mil�cia na Bahia
Outros 6 investigados foram presos e 4 est�o foragidos.
O 'all-in' de Haddad: ministro corre para tentar salvar pauta econ�mica
Tumulto na Vila Belmiro, ex-pastor assaltante, tr�fico em Guarulhos e mais V�DEOS
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* bet com poker ofcChances of card combinations in poker
In poker, the probability of each type of 5-card
hand can be computed by calculating the proportion of hands of that type among all
possible hands.
History [ edit ]
Probability and gambling have been ideas since long
before the invention of poker. The development of probability theory in the late 1400s
was attributed to gambling; when playing a game with high stakes, players wanted to
know what the chance of winning would be. In 1494, Fra Luca Paccioli released his work
Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni e proportionalita which was the first
written text on probability. Motivated by Paccioli's work, Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576)
made further developments in probability theory. His work from 1550, titled Liber de
Ludo Aleae, discussed the concepts of probability and how they were directly related to
gambling. However, his work did not receive any immediate recognition since it was not
published until after his death. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) also contributed to
probability theory. His friend, Chevalier de M�r�, was an avid gambler with the goal to
become wealthy from it. De M�r� tried a new mathematical approach to a gambling game
but did not get the desired results. Determined to know why his strategy was
unsuccessful, he consulted with Pascal. Pascal's work on this problem began an
important correspondence between him and fellow mathematician Pierre de Fermat
(1601-1665). Communicating through letters, the two continued to exchange their ideas
and thoughts. These interactions led to the conception of basic probability theory. To
this day, many gamblers still rely on the basic concepts of probability theory in order
to make informed decisions while gambling.[1][2]
Frequencies [ edit ]
5-card poker
hands [ edit ]
An Euler diagram depicting poker hands and their odds from a typical
American 9/6 Jacks or Better machine
In straight poker and five-card draw, where there
are no hole cards, players are simply dealt five cards from a deck of 52.
The following
chart enumerates the (absolute) frequency of each hand, given all combinations of five
cards randomly drawn from a full deck of 52 without replacement. Wild cards are not
considered. In this chart:
Distinct hands is the number of different ways to draw the
hand, not counting different suits.
is the number of different ways to draw the hand,
not counting different suits. Frequency is the number of ways to draw the hand,
including the same card values in different suits.
is the number of ways to draw the
hand, the same card values in different suits. The Probability of drawing a given hand
is calculated by dividing the number of ways of drawing the hand ( Frequency ) by the
total number of 5-card hands (the sample space; ( 52 5 ) = 2 , 598 , 960 {\textstyle
{52 \choose 5}=2,598,960} 4 / 2,598,960 , or one in 649,740. One would then expect to
draw this hand about once in every 649,740 draws, or nearly 0.000154% of the time.
drawing a given hand is calculated by dividing the number of ways of drawing the hand (
) by the total number of 5-card hands (the sample space; , or one in 649,740. One would
then expect to draw this hand about once in every 649,740 draws, or nearly 0.000154% of
the time. Cumulative probability refers to the probability of drawing a hand as good as
or better than the specified one. For example, the probability of drawing three of a
kind is approximately 2.11%, while the probability of drawing a hand at least as good
as three of a kind is about 2.87%. The cumulative probability is determined by adding
one hand's probability with the probabilities of all hands above it.
refers to the
probability of drawing a hand as good as the specified one. For example, the
probability of drawing three of a kind is approximately 2.11%, while the probability of
drawing a hand as good as three of a kind is about 2.87%. The cumulative probability is
determined by adding one hand's probability with the probabilities of all hands above
it. The Odds are defined as the ratio of the number of ways not to draw the hand, to
the number of ways to draw it. In statistics, this is called odds against . For
instance, with a royal flush, there are 4 ways to draw one, and 2,598,956 ways to draw
something else, so the odds against drawing a royal flush are 2,598,956 : 4, or 649,739
: 1. The formula for establishing the odds can also be stated as (1/p) - 1 : 1 , where
p is the aforementioned probability.
are defined as the ratio of the number of ways to
draw the hand, to the number of ways to draw it. In statistics, this is called . For
instance, with a royal flush, there are 4 ways to draw one, and 2,598,956 ways to draw
something else, so the odds against drawing a royal flush are 2,598,956 : 4, or 649,739
: 1. The formula for establishing the odds can also be stated as , where is the
aforementioned probability. The values given for Probability, Cumulative probability,
and Odds are rounded off for simplicity; the Distinct hands and Frequency values are
The nCr function on most scientific calculators can be used to calculate hand
frequencies; entering nCr with 52 and 5 , for example, yields ( 52 5 ) = 2 , 598 , 960
{\textstyle {52 \choose 5}=2,598,960} as above.
The royal flush is a case of the
straight flush. It can be formed 4 ways (one for each suit), giving it a probability of
0.000154% and odds of 649,739 : 1.
When ace-low straights and ace-low straight flushes
are not counted, the probabilities of each are reduced: straights and straight flushes
each become 9/10 as common as they otherwise would be. The 4 missed straight flushes
become flushes and the 1,020 missed straights become no pair.
Note that since suits
have no relative value in poker, two hands can be considered identical if one hand can
be transformed into the other by swapping suits. For example, the hand 3? 7? 8? Q? A?
is identical to 3? 7? 8? Q? A? because replacing all of the clubs in the first hand
with diamonds and all of the spades with hearts produces the second hand. So
eliminating identical hands that ignore relative suit values, there are only 134,459
distinct hands.
The number of distinct poker hands is even smaller. For example, 3? 7?
8? Q? A? and 3? 7? 8? Q? A? are not identical hands when just ignoring suit assignments
because one hand has three suits, while the other hand has only two�that difference
could affect the relative value of each hand when there are more cards to come.
However, even though the hands are not identical from that perspective, they still form
equivalent poker hands because each hand is an A-Q-8-7-3 high card hand. There are
7,462 distinct poker hands.
7-card poker hands [ edit ]
In some popular variations of
poker such as Texas hold 'em, the most widespread poker variant overall,[3] a player
uses the best five-card poker hand out of seven cards.
The frequencies are calculated
in a manner similar to that shown for 5-card hands,[4] except additional complications
arise due to the extra two cards in the 7-card poker hand. The total number of distinct
7-card hands is ( 52 7 ) = 133,784,560 {\textstyle {52 \choose 7}=133{,}784{,}560} . It
is notable that the probability of a no-pair hand is lower than the probability of a
one-pair or two-pair hand.
The Ace-high straight flush or royal flush is slightly more
frequent (4324) than the lower straight flushes (4140 each) because the remaining two
cards can have any value; a King-high straight flush, for example, cannot have the Ace
of its suit in the hand (as that would make it ace-high instead).
(The frequencies
given are exact; the probabilities and odds are approximate.)
Since suits have no
relative value in poker, two hands can be considered identical if one hand can be
transformed into the other by swapping suits. Eliminating identical hands that ignore
relative suit values leaves 6,009,159 distinct 7-card hands.
The number of distinct
5-card poker hands that are possible from 7 cards is 4,824. Perhaps surprisingly, this
is fewer than the number of 5-card poker hands from 5 cards, as some 5-card hands are
impossible with 7 cards (e.g. 7-high and 8-high).
5-card lowball poker hands [ edit
Some variants of poker, called lowball, use a low hand to determine the winning hand.
In most variants of lowball, the ace is counted as the lowest card and straights and
flushes don't count against a low hand, so the lowest hand is the five-high hand
A-2-3-4-5, also called a wheel. The probability is calculated based on ( 52 5 ) = 2 ,
598 , 960 {\textstyle {52 \choose 5}=2,598,960} , the total number of 5-card
combinations. (The frequencies given are exact; the probabilities and odds are
Hand Distinct hands Frequency Probability Cumulative Odds against 5-high
1 1,024 0.0394% 0.0394% 2,537.05 : 1 6-high 5 5,120 0.197% 0.236% 506.61 : 1 7-high 15
15,360 0.591% 0.827% 168.20 : 1 8-high 35 35,840 1.38% 2.21% 71.52 : 1 9-high 70 71,680
2.76% 4.96% 35.26 : 1 10-high 126 129,024 4.96% 9.93% 19.14 : 1 Jack-high 210 215,040
8.27% 18.2% 11.09 : 1 Queen-high 330 337,920 13.0% 31.2% 6.69 : 1 King-high 495 506,880
19.5% 50.7% 4.13 : 1 Total 1,287 1,317,888 50.7% 50.7% 0.97 : 1
As can be seen from the
table, just over half the time a player gets a hand that has no pairs, threes- or
fours-of-a-kind. (50.7%)
If aces are not low, simply rotate the hand descriptions so
that 6-high replaces 5-high for the best hand and ace-high replaces king-high as the
worst hand.
Some players do not ignore straights and flushes when computing the low
hand in lowball. In this case, the lowest hand is A-2-3-4-6 with at least two suits.
Probabilities are adjusted in the above table such that "5-high" is not listed",
"6-high" has one distinct hand, and "King-high" having 330 distinct hands,
respectively. The Total line also needs adjusting.
7-card lowball poker hands [ edit
In some variants of poker a player uses the best five-card low hand selected from
seven cards. In most variants of lowball, the ace is counted as the lowest card and
straights and flushes don't count against a low hand, so the lowest hand is the
five-high hand A-2-3-4-5, also called a wheel. The probability is calculated based on (
52 7 ) = 133 , 784 , 560 {\textstyle {52 \choose 7}=133,784,560} , the total number of
7-card combinations.
The table does not extend to include five-card hands with at least
one pair. Its "Total" represents the 95.4% of the time that a player can select a
5-card low hand without any pair.
Hand Frequency Probability Cumulative Odds against
5-high 781,824 0.584% 0.584% 170.12 : 1 6-high 3,151,360 2.36% 2.94% 41.45 : 1 7-high
7,426,560 5.55% 8.49% 17.01 : 1 8-high 13,171,200 9.85% 18.3% 9.16 : 1 9-high
19,174,400 14.3% 32.7% 5.98 : 1 10-high 23,675,904 17.7% 50.4% 4.65 : 1 Jack-high
24,837,120 18.6% 68.9% 4.39 : 1 Queen-high 21,457,920 16.0% 85.0% 5.23 : 1 King-high
13,939,200 10.4% 95.4% 8.60 : 1 Total 127,615,488 95.4% 95.4% 0.05 : 1
(The frequencies
given are exact; the probabilities and odds are approximate.)
If aces are not low,
simply rotate the hand descriptions so that 6-high replaces 5-high for the best hand
and ace-high replaces king-high as the worst hand.
Some players do not ignore straights
and flushes when computing the low hand in lowball. In this case, the lowest hand is
A-2-3-4-6 with at least two suits. Probabilities are adjusted in the above table such
that "5-high" is not listed, "6-high" has 781,824 distinct hands, and "King-high" has
21,457,920 distinct hands, respectively. The Total line also needs adjusting.
See also
[ edit ]
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in many variants of poker.
In poker, players form sets of five playing cards, called
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Niklas Astedt (born 21 October 1990) is a Swedish professional poker player from Gothenburg, Sweden.
Career [ edit ]
Astedt began playing poker in 2008. Playing under the name Lena900 on PokerStars, he has more thanR$22 million in career online cashes, the second-most all-time as of May 2024.
Astedt has won three World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) and five Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) events.[1] His largest online cash came in April 2024, when he won the GGPoker Super Millions forR$1.1 million. He has been No. 1 on the PocketFives online poker rankings for 97 weeks, the most of any player, including 33 consecutive weeks from May 2024 to January 2024.[2] He was the PocketFives player of the year in both 2024 and 2024.[3]
In July 2024, Astedt finished runner-up to Roberto Romanello in aR$1,500 No Limit Hold'em event in the World Series of Poker Online on GGPoker.[4]
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This complete list gives you the full rundown of possible hands in order � from the strongest to the weakest. Starting with the best poker hands, we�ll explain what each looks like and which other hands they beat
1. Royal Flush
Sitting at the very top of the poker hierarchy, you�ll find the royal flush. The strongest poker hand of all is a type of straight flush where you have A-K-Q-J-10 � all in the same suit.
What does Royal Flush beat?
As the highest poker hand, a royal flush beats every other hand your opponents might hold.
ch suit), giving it, probability Of 0.000154% and oddes de 649,739 : 1.
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