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deep poker

O poker Omaha � um jogo emocionante derivado do Texas Hold'em. No Omaha,

cada jogador recebe quatro cartas pessoais, conhecidas como �cartas hole�, que lhe

pertencem s� a ele. S�o dadas cinco cartas comunit�rias viradas para cima na �board�.

Nos jogos de Omaha, todos os jogadores usam precisamente tr�s das cartas comunit�rias

juntamente com precisamente duas das suas cartas hole para formar a melhor m�o de poker

Por deep poker

04/12/2023 07h32 Atualizado 04/2012/2223 05h33 04 /12 /2023

Plebiscito de anexa��o de parte da Guiana � aprovado na Venezuela

Os venezuelanos aprovaram no domingo (3) em referendo a proposta de seu governo para criar um novo estado em Essequibo, a regi�o atualmente controlada pela Guianas que os dois pa�ses disputam. Segundo o governo da Venezuela

vinculante - n�o significa que o Estado da Venezuela est� autorizado a anexar a regi�o, que representa mais de 70% do territ�rio da Guiana atualmente e tem uma �rea maior que a da Inglaterra. Mas foi visto por Caracas como um passo a mais para tomar o controle do Territ�rio.

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Nesta segunda-feira (4), o presidente venezuelano, Nicol�s Maduro, falou de "vit�ria esmagadora

as oito estrelas (a bandeira da Venezuela) que brilharam como nunca".

No domingo (3), Maduro disse que o resultado far� o governo "recuperar o que os libertadores nos deixaram" - em refer�ncia � reivindica��o hist�rica na Venezuela de que a Guiana � originalmente do pa�s e foi ilegalmente anexado pelo Reino Unido, de quem aGuiana n�o � ex-col�nia.

L�deres e membros da oposi��o, no entanto, apontaram que v�rios fatores indicaram que n�o

comparecimento - 10 milh�es dos 20 milh�es de eleitores da Venezuela votaram, segundo o governo. Al�m disso, houve relatos por parte da oposi��o de que estudantes do Ensino M�dio, menores de idade, foram retidos em escolas e obrigados a votar. O governo ainda n�o havia se manifestado sobre essa acusa��o at� a �ltima atualiza��o desta reportagem. A

compcomparacimento. 10. dos 10, dos dez milh�es que votaram no referendo, de acordo com o regime de Maduro, votaram.

domingo (3), as autoridades eleitorais chegaram a estender a vota��o por duas horas

Testemunhas da ag�ncia de not�cias Reuters visitaram centros de vota��o em todo o pa�s com pouca e nenhuma fila. Em Maracaibo, no estado de Zulia, rico em petr�leo, os mes�rios disseram � Reuters que o comparecimento �s urnas foi baixo.

"O governo est� realizando o referendo por raz�es internas. Eles precisam testardeep pokerm�quina eleitora", afirmou o diretor do Centro de Estudos Pol�ticos da

Bello, em Caracas, Benigno Alarc�n.

A oposi��o venezuelana tamb�m acusa o regime de Maduro de estar usando a pauta de Essequibo e o referendo como cortina de fuma�a para as elei��es que o pa�s realizar� em 2024.A candidata Mar�a Corina Machado, que venceu pr�vias da oposi��o mas foi impedida de concorrer pela Justi�a venezuelana, j� disse que Caracas tentar� prolongar ao m�ximo os debates sobre os desdobramentos da consulta p�blica enquanto tentar� impedir que mais candidatos concorram com


Ela ainda n�o havia se manifestado ap�s o resultado do referendo at� a �ltima atualiza��o desta reportagem. Na sexta-feira (1�), os ju�zes do tribunal decidiram, de forma un�nime, que a Venezuela n�o pode fazer nenhum movimento para tentar anexar Essequibo, a inst�ncia mais alta da Organiza��o das Na��es Unidas (ONU) para julgar casos de soberania entre pa�ses.Na sexta,feira,1/3, o Tribunal do Tribunal de Justi�a da Venezuela (TJ-Ven

un�n�nime da Corte de Haia, a presidente do tribunal, Joan Donoghue, afirmou que as declara��es do governo venezuelano das �ltimas semanas sugeriam que Caracas "est� tomando medidas para assumir o controle e administrar o territ�rio disputado".

ununan�nim da Suprema Corte da Holanda, o tribunal "unim�ni da corte de haia", a a.un

�unimp�n�vel da Cortes de Hoia�, ou seja, Unun


Regi�o de Essequibo, em disputa pela Venezuela e Guiana, e a fronteira do Brasil no estado de Roraima �
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A origem do problema

Entenda melhor o conflito entre Venezuela, Venezuela ou Guian. Desde o fim do s�culo 19, est� sob controle da Guida. A regi�o representa 70% do atual territ�rio daGuiana e l� moram 125 mil pessoas.A regi�o � chamada de Gu

Na Venezuela

2023, foi descoberto petr�leo na regi�o.

Estima-se que na Guiana existam reservas de 11 bilh�es de barris, sendo que a parte mais significativa � "offshore", ou seja, no mar, perto de Essequibo. Por causa do petr�leo, a Guianas � o pa�s sul-americano que mais cresce nos �ltimos anos, e a Venezuela afirmam ter direito sobre o territ�rio com base em documentos internacionais:

Tanto aGuiana quanto a venezuelana afirmam que � a

estabelecidas as fronteiras atuais. Na �poca, a Guiana era um territ�rio do Reino Unido.J� a Venezuela afirma que o territ�rio � dela porque assim consta em um acordo firmado em 1966 com o pr�prio Reino Reino unido, antes da independ�ncia de Guiano, no qual o laudo arbitral foi anulado e se estabeleceram bases para uma solu��o negociada.

O regime de Nicol�s Maduro organizou um referendo a respeito da rela��o entre a venezuelana e o Territ�rio de Essequibo. A consulta teve cinco perguntas

atual?Voc� apoia o Acordo de Genebra de 1966?Eu apoia a posi��o da Venezuela de n�o reconhecer a jurisdi��o da Corte Internacional de Justi�a (veja mais sobre essa quest�o abaixo)?Voc� discorda de a Guiana usar uma regi�o mar�tima sobre a qual n�o h� limites estabelecidos?

Voc� concorda com a cria��o do estadoGuiana Essequiba e com o plano de aten��o � popula��o desse territ�rio que inclua a concess�o de cidadania venezuelana, incorporando esse estado ao mapa do territ�rio

atual?.Voc� apoiou o


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    1) What is Team Poker� (TP)

    Team Poker� is the Patented System that allows both

    Individuals and Teams to compete in poker tournaments. Any poker game can be used in TP

    tournaments. Tournament Directors can split the Prize Pool Payouts from 0-100% to the

    individuals or teams. As example a typical split might be 60% to Teams and 40% to

    Individuals; or, Teams could play for �Trophies� only.



    The Patented Scoring, Seating Protocol, and Handicap Process makes SKILL


    Team Poker� brings the Synergism and Camaraderie

    to poker that only teams can. Team Poker� provides the potential for More Interest,

    Video and Production or Tournaments, and Local to World Championship Events. Team

    Poker� provides the potential for Team and Individual Betting and New Poker eSport


    2) How is Team Poker� (TP) Played

    TP is a poker tournament system not a poker

    game. Any Poker Game can be used with the TP System. Individuals play TP tournaments

    games like they would any other poker tournament. There is no difference in how the

    poker games are played by the individuals. TP is a Team Scoring, Team Handicapping, and

    Seating Protocol System that Tournament Directors can structure as they see fit for the

    best results for their Poker Room.

    Tournament Directors (TD) determine what size teams

    they want in any specific tournament. Any size team is possible (e.g. Teams of 2, 3, 4,

    Players etc., and Classes of Teams (e.g. Men VS Women, Countries VS Countries, etc.)

    can overlay any tournament as well. Also, TDs can structure the team size to vary (e.g.

    Max and Min Size of Teams) in the same tournament using the TP Handicap System (e.g. 4

    Max � 2 Min players per Team; 3 Max � 1 Min per Team � yes it is possible for teams

    structures of 1 Individual with the TP Handicap).

    The only change to the normal poker

    tournament rules (e.g. as identified in pokerTDA) is the TP Non-Contact Rule which does

    not allow Teammates to play on the same table with Opponents; Therefore, Collusion is

    not possible among teammates in TP tournaments.

    3) How does the Team Poker� (TP)

    Tournament System Work

    TEAM POKER� PATENTED PROCESS allows both Individuals and Teams

    to play and compete in poker tournaments for a percentage of the prize pool. Teams can

    use the system to maximize their skill and luck to a larger prize pool payout, and

    Poker Team League Play.

    TP is played for Individual Finish Positions and payouts, as is

    any other poker tournament. The Tournament Director determines and advertises the

    structure of the tournament prior to the start like any poker tournament. However, in

    addition to typical tournament structures the directors also determines the size of the

    teams playing and as mentioned the prize pool spit between teams and individuals.



    TEAM POKER� - SCORING The Individual Finish

    Positions (IFP) of players determines payouts to Individuals like any poker tournament.

    It is preferable that all IFPs are calculated in the exit count, but the IFP count can

    start at any manageable place the directors determine. The Inverse of the IFP Count

    establish the Individuals� Points that contribute to the Team Score and is used to

    determine the Team Finish Position and Payouts. The Tie Breaker for Team Score/ Finish

    Position and Payouts is the Team with the Highest IFP.

    SCORING � More Specific


    TEAM POKER� is flexible so Tournament Directors can determine the structure

    that best fits their poker room needs; and, any size team using the handicap is

    possible, or tournaments can require equal sized teams to compete. Individuals place in

    the tournaments as they always have, based on their Individual Finish Positions (IFP)

    in the Finish Count. The Count can start at any manageable point in the tournament, and

    there can be collective finishes in large tournaments where several players have the

    same IFP as a result of the inability to determine and account for unique exit

    positions. An individual�s contribution to their Team Score (Points) is calculated from

    the inverse of their IFP to the full Count.

    Scoring Example: Where the Finish Count

    starts at 100th place: 100th place receives 1 Team Point, 99th place receives 2 points,

    97th place receives 3 points, etc. � until 1st place receives 100 points). The

    individuals with the lowest IFP (highest finish position), and the teams with the

    highest COMPOSITE POINT SCORE place in the tournament and receive payouts based on the

    Tournament Directors pre-published percentages. There is also a tie breaker as points

    can be equal (e.g. tie breaker for teams with the highest IFP).


    HANDICAPPING Teams can Handicap themselves, when TDs allow team size to vary, by

    playing with less than the maximum number of Players per Team allowed. The TP is a

    �Reverse Handicap� so player can potentially maximize their team�s skill factor (e.g.

    If the Team Structure is 4 Max and 2 Min a team of 2 would have their team point score

    multiplied by the ratio of 4/2 or 2 X the team points).



    TEAMPOKER� HANDICAP is an optional way to play that allows team size to vary

    within the same tournament and can enhance the skill factor even more while making it

    easier to form teams. Individuals and Teams can handicap themselves to maximize their

    return by allowing less than the maximum number of players per team to play (�Reverse

    Handicap�). Each team pays the same entry fee. The TEAMPOKER� HANDICAP is the factor or

    ratio created by the maximum number of players allowed per team divided by the actual.

    The factor is multiplied by the total team points and thus equalizes their score

    relative to the other teams in the tournament.

    Handicapping Example: Four players per

    team max. Two players play as a team and pay full team entry fee. Their handicap is 4/2

    = 2. Their team points (composite of their individual points) �Y� is multiplied by

    their handicap for their total team score: 2 X �Y� = total team score � which is

    compared to the other team scores to determine


    NON-CONTACT or No-Contact, Protocol does not allow Teammates to play on the same table

    with Opponents. There is no possibility of Collusion among teammates with the

    No-Contact Rule. During consolidation of tables, teammates are directed to tables

    without their mates. Teammates can play among themselves or Heads-Up for example to

    facilitate table consolidation. A unique situation that can happen at the end of a

    tournament with three (3) player left and two are teammates; Therefore, to maintain the

    NO-Contact rule a teammate has to wait for the other table to eliminate one player

    before having a final table of 2 Players to finish the tournament.


    More Specifics & Examples

    TEAM POKER� NO-CONTACT TEAMPOKER� is designed for cash play

    and serious poker to meet all existing gaming rules and regulations (See PokerTDA).

    Seating Protocol:Randomness in seating and consolidation of tables however, takes into

    consideration that no players from the same team are allowed on the same table until

    and unless they can play heads up, or they, or their teammates, are the only players

    left in the tournament. Until and unless consolidation can take place, teammates may

    play among themselves; or, there must be enough tables left at the end of any

    tournament to assure no teammates are playing together on same table with an


    When teammates can compete heads up with an equal number of players left per

    table, or there are no other opponents left in the tournament, teammates compete for

    individual finish positions (IFP). Therefore, by never allowing teammates to be on the

    same table together with opponents, there is no potential for �cooperation�,

    �collusion�, �slow playing�, or �chip dumping� among teammates; and all Poker

    Tournament Directors Association Rules are maintained (see PokerTDA).

    Seating Protocol


    PROTOCOL to see the specifics graphic examples on the process to assure teammates are

    never allowed to play on the same table with each other and competitor teams

    are.FULL-CONTACT TEAMPOKER� is a variation which allows players from the same team to

    play togetheron the same table and is used for aUnique Pro Poker Player Team Play,

    Social, Free, and Fund Raising.We call it the TEAMPOKER� FULL-CONTACT CHALLENGE

    Tournament Structure.

    4) What is the Option for TP Full-Contact Seating Protocol

    The TP

    System offers an Optional Seating Protocol for �Full-Contact� where the Seating

    Protocol is Totally Random, and Teammates can play on the same table with Opponents.

    Also, Seating Protocol can be set so Teammates are equally distributed with Opponents

    on the same tables, Since Teammates are known it does not fit the true definition of

    �Collusion�, but it is obvious that teammates could use signals or chip dumping to help

    their team. Although Full-Contact TP is not the preferred TP seating protocol we

    maintain this option as a unique and interesting way to play with poker teams and that

    TDs may decide to play for Special Full-Contact Events. A tournament structure that may

    work with TP Full-Contact are teams of 2 players with teammates on the same tables.


    How Can Team Poker� Overlay Prize Pools

    Team Poker� can be used as a Team Trophy and

    Ranking Event Only where the Teams do not win any percentage of the prize pool, but

    rather are for Trophies, Rank, Added Prize Pool Payouts, or Bragging Rights. Using TP

    any Poker Game Tournament Can Overlay Poker Teams for Added Payouts, Ranking and


    6) Can I License Team Poker� for My Poker Room

    Live Poker Rooms can purchase

    a license and Download the Poker Software from our Partners and use it through a

    limited license agreement in their Rooms. See the Links to our Partners to see their

    Licensed Offerings.

    Online Poker Rooms can contact Team Poker� and negotiate Licensing

    for their Poker Rooms with Team Poker LLC. TeamPoker has developed a Prototype and

    Fundraising Tool that implements the TP Requirements for Scoring, Handicapping, and

    No-Contact Seating Protocol.

    7) What is The Team Poker (TP) Fundraising Charity



    accessed by link on TeamPoker. The TP Fundraising Took is being built to help

    Fundraising Entities (e.g. charities and sports teams) focus their donation

    solicitations by providing a fun poker gaming environment for Fundraising Teams to

    compete in the TP FUNDRAISING CHALLENGE�. TP Charges NO FEE and ALL PLAY IS FREE. Also,

    TP does not handle any donated funds nor charge any fees. All donations go directly to

    the Fundraising Teams in accordance with their donation methods listed by them in THE

    TP RED PAGES�, or the Fundraising Teams Invitation Emails. Through THE FUNDRAISING

    TOOL, winners of TP Fundraising Events Collect Donations, Claim �Bragging Rights�, and

    can establish an ongoing Donation Events.

    Team Poker� Fundraising Tool

    Users may use at

    their own discretion to raise funds for their Charities or Sports Teams. No Team Poker�

    rights are transferred by allowing users to use the Fundraising Tool and Users are not

    allowed to use it for Gambling. User may use the Tool at their own risk and Team Poker�

    does not warranty it will work properly. It is strictly for Fundraising and Fun.


    agree that you will use the Software in a manner that complies with all applicable laws

    in the jurisdictions in which you use the Software. We assume no responsibility for the

    actions by you, the User.

    The Fundraising Tool does not permit members to wager real

    money and has no ability to accept deposits as it is a �free play� site only. Play

    Chips (TiPs) if any in members' accounts have no monetary value and cannot be exchanged

    for anything of value and cannot serve as a medium of exchange. All references in the

    Site to "pots," "limits", "betting" or the like are solely for instructional or

    illustrative purposes and do not involve wagering real money.

    All donations made to any

    fundraising entity (FREE) on the site are final and Team Poker� takes no responsibility

    or warrants any FRE or Fundraising Event. If mistakes are made by you in registering

    for any FRE, no adjustments will be made by us to correct your mistake.


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