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Por Mariana Garcia, akari poker

06/12/2023 05h04 Atualizado 06/12/2023

Higiene do sono: saiba qual � a receita para quem quer dormir bem

Quem n�o quer dormir bem? Um sono de qualidade est� diretamente ligado ao bem-estar do corpo e da mente, j� que ele impacta no humor, na vida social, nos sistemas imunol�gico e cardiovascular, no trabalho e na vida conjugal.

O sono � um pilar essencial para a nossa sa�de, junto com atividade f�sica e alimenta��o. Por isso, ele n�o deve ser negligenciado.

"Nosso corpo funciona como uma m�quina e o sono � o principal promotor do equil�brio interno do organismo. Tudo precisa funcionar de forma excelente e quem d� equil�brio nos processos fisiol�gicos � ele. Se ele est� ruim, o corpo vai falhar", explica Monica Andersen, diretora do Instituto do Sono e professora da Unifesp.

Ansiedade, diabetes e problemas sexuais: veja os impactos da priva��o de sono na sa�de �
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: cottonbro studio/Pexels

Quer exemplos de como o sono afeta a nossa sa�de?

Dist�rbios cardiometab�licos: o sono insuficiente tem sido associado ao aumento do risco de diabetes gestacional, obesidade, diabetes, doen�a arterial coron�ria e doen�as cardiovascularesSistema imunol�gico e infec��es: o sono equilibra o nosso sistema imunol�gico. A defici�ncia tem sido associada a uma resposta ruim com vacina��es e aumento do risco de Covid-19 e resfriado comum.Problemas neurol�gicos: o sono � essencial para a consolida��o da mem�ria. Os dist�rbios do sono contribuem para o decl�nio cognitivo e para o aumento do risco de Alzheimer e doen�a relacionada.Dist�rbios psiqui�tricos e psicol�gicos: o sono regula a emo��o e o bem-estar psicossocial. Sua defici�ncia aumenta o risco de ansiedade, depress�o grave, transtorno bipolar.Problemas sexuais: pesquisas apontam que a priva��o de sono pode estar associada � redu��o do desejo e excita��o das mulheres. Nos homens, a falta de sono pode aumentar o risco de disfun��o er�til e diminuir a produ��o de testosterona.

"Sabemos que sem sono n�o vivemos e que dormir � fundamental at� para voc� funcionar durante o dia. A imunidade melhora, o racioc�nio melhora, a sa�de melhora. V�rios processos ocorrem durante o sono, como a consolida��o da mem�ria, a sa�de cardiovascular, o metabolismo. N�o existe sa�de geral sem uma boa noite de sono", alerta a neurologista Dalva Poyares, uma das autoras do artigo "A necessidade de promover a sa�de do sono nas agendas de sa�de p�blica em todo o mundo", publicado na revista The Lancet.

O que acontece quando n�o dormimos o suficiente? �
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As especialistas explicam que esses preju�zos s�o sentidos por pessoas que privam o sono por um longo prazo. Ou seja, est� tudo bem n�o ter uma noite boa de sono. O problema � quando a noite mal dormida se torna recorrente.


Trabalhe enquanto outros dormem? N�o � bem assimSaiba qual � a receita b�sica da 'higiene do sono' para dormir bemDormir sem roupa traz benef�cios para a qualidade do sono?Como envelhecer bem?

Um sono de qualidade

O que � dormir bem? Segundo as especialistas, o dormir bem � uma sensa��o subjetiva, mas que est� associada a ter um sono na qualidade e quantidade adequadas.

"Uma sensa��o de acordar bem, espontaneamente, passar o dia bem. Esses s�o pequenos sinais de que voc� est� dormindo bem", diz Poyares.

E quantas horas devemos dormir? Ouvimos que o ideal � dormir 8 horas, mas n�o � bem assim. Para come�ar, cada indiv�duo � �nico. Por isso, n�o h� um n�mero m�gico de horas recomendadas. Al�m disso, a necessidade muda com a idade.

"O adulto dorme entre 7 e 9 horas. Ainda � normal que durma ou 6 ou 10 horas. N�o existe um n�mero chave, mas existe uma m�dia para cada faixa et�ria para recuperar energia, capacidade de resolu��o de problemas, de viver um dia disposto", explica Sandra Doria, otorrinolaringologista com especializa��o em Medicina do Sono e pesquisadora do Instituto do Sono.

Quantas horas devemos dormir ao longo da vida? �
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: Arte/akari poker

Veja tamb�m

Maduro mostra mapa da Venezuela com regi�o que hoje � da Guiana

Planeta fervendo: Terra quebra recorde de calor pelo 6� m�s seguido

2023 j� � considerado o ano mais quente da hist�ria, segundo observat�rio.

Cantor sertanejo Z� Neto sofre acidente de carro em MG

Z� Neto est� na UTI, com costela fraturada: o que se sabe at� agora

Taylor Swift � eleita a pessoa do ano por revista

'Justiceiros' criam grupos para 'ca�ar' ladr�es em Copacabana

Acidente com Z� Neto, roubos no Rio e mais V�DEOS do dia

Quem � o traficante que comprava armas europeias para fac��o do Rio

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    The Four Types of Players That 'Poker Ambition' is Here to Help

    April 12, 2024 Poker


    In this latest article, the team over at Poker Ambition have put together a

    piece showing you the importance of asking not just what to do in certain poker spots,

    but also why. They introduce a new way of looking at the game that will lead to the

    highest EV strategies. Check it out!

    In general, there is a lack of understanding of

    how poker really works and how EV is generated.

    The biggest problem for poker players

    is not understanding the �why�. Why does a solver play a certain strategy? Why does a

    population have a certain leak? Why does this play actually work?

    The majority of poker

    content will tell you what to do, however, they forget to tell you why it works,

    meaning you will miss understanding the principles, the mechanics behind the


    Additionally, this will result in you not understanding how to adapt to different

    circumstances, you won�t learn Poker at a deeper level. It all becomes too much for the

    mind, impossible to memorize and execute consistently at the tables.

    Poker Ambition is

    Here to Help

    You are not alone! We�ve been there, we know how to help you.

    In our

    program 'The Mechanics of Poker' we will explain how Poker really works. Due to this

    way of teaching, this program is for everyone and for every game type: MTT, Cash Games,

    SnG�s, Live and Online.

    No longer will you be stuck, leaving your EV to chance.

    Instead, you will change the way you approach poker, change your philosophy and your

    strategy. We will give you a new way of looking at the game by teaching you the

    mechanics that lead to highest EV strategies.

    It is very important for us to highlight

    this: by teaching you the �why� and �how� of Poker, no longer will you be held hostage

    to the same strategy that can only be applied for a certain period of time or to a

    specific game type or in-game situation. This is knowledge applied anywhere and by


    We will teach you to think about the right things in the right order,

    priority and structure for you to achieve higher EV. We went through the struggles you

    are going through and we know how to provide what you want.

    Led by a Team of Industry


    This program was created with leading industry experts Rene "TheWakko" Kuhlman

    and Adam Carmichael.

    Rene "TheWakko" Kuhlman

    Rene Kuhlman is a high stakes poker player

    turned poker coach. It took him 8 years to get to high stakes poker, which makes it

    easier for him to relate with struggling students. His combination of playing and

    coaching experience makes him a great person to make poker coaching content.

    In the

    poker ambition CFP program he has helped his students move up from 50-200NL to 1KNL+ (a

    small group is still active, shot taking 2k+). In the CFP, he has been able to test and

    further shape his philosophy. He is now committed to spreading this knowledge with the

    rest of the world, showing how you can get higher levels of poker success.



    Adam Carmichael is a former high stakes poker player who now coaches poker

    players how to reach their full potential. Over the past 3 years he has dedicated his

    life to working 1-on-1 with hundreds of poker players from 32 different countries,

    playing all formats from online MTTs to live high stakes cash games.

    His hands-on

    experience, coupled with his degree in Sports Science and his obsession with

    behavioural psychology, has lead him to discover unique approaches which will turn you

    into the ultimate peak performer.

    Building a bulletproof mindset, optimising all areas

    of your performance and creating a GTO lifestyle in alignment with your biggest goals

    are just a few of the things you can expect from working with him.




    "When I first came in contact with Poker Ambition and TheWakko it was just

    exactly what my game needed. The structured and professional way they view poker helped

    me a lot to improve my own game.

    "From playing cash games, I was able to transfer the

    conceptual poker approach and PA philosophy towards MTTs as well. I am certain that

    everyone who would be joining the program of Poker Ambition would feel the same


    Luuk "Pokerkluka" Gieles

    "I started my poker career playing mainly SNG�s and

    MTTs. Ever since I started to join forces with TheWakko back in 2024, I started to play

    more Cash games and my performance increased substantially. With Poker Ambition we

    started to become very good in putting theory into practice.

    "This resulted in climbing

    up to the highest stakes of online Cash, where I am daily playing games atR$50/100 and

    also from time to time some high stakes MTTs. I can only highly recommend the program

    Mechanics of Poker, because it teaches you the right things in the right order, to

    achieve higher EV."

    Players They've Helped

    To make sure that this content is valuable

    and will bring you the desired EV, Poker Ambition started with high-end coaching for an

    exclusive group of pros, and are now opening up their proven philosophy to the


    Here are the four types of players they have helped along the way:

    Players in

    Love With Data

    This type of players lacked the theoretical background, and did not

    understand the psychological aspect of poker enough to make good decisions. For

    example, if they cbet 100% of their range because they saw players overfolding to a

    cbet, they would end up with some tricky decisions on later streets when villain didn't

    fold and they didn't know what to do.

    By making this type of players understand how

    poker works from a theoretical perspective and the �correct� way to play a spot, they

    start to understand why these leaks occurred. They no longer had to memorize all the

    data as they now understood why the data would show a over/under fold/bluffed


    Players who Tried to Memorize the Solver

    Players who tried to memorize certain

    spots instead of understanding them often found themselves overwhelmed and lost in-game

    due to the number of nuances and complexity they would encounter. Memorisation and

    randomising have nothing to do with thinking about what you want to achieve with your

    strategy or with your hand, particular line or sizing.

    By starting to teach them why a

    solver does what it does and showing returning patterns in various situation, they

    could start predicting how other situations would play instead of having to memorize

    all the sims. By understanding what a check vs bet achieves they could estimate

    situations better and see more spots where the decision was clearly better, reducing

    their need to randomize.

    Poker stopped feeling like a grind and they actually started

    to see how their new way of making decisions led to better outcomes, giving them a

    bigger sense of control and the feeling that there is less luck in poker than they


    Players Who Were Solver Wiz-Kids

    They would basically explain to us how theory

    worked, but then failed to ask the question of how they can achieve in practice what a

    solver achieves in theory? They didn�t understand how poker works in the real world

    (vs. human beings). They were too worried about making the GTO decision instead of the

    highest EV decision and not understanding the concepts behind how EV is generated to

    then translate that to the situation they were in.

    By bringing GTO down to a bunch of

    main concepts and clear objectives while playing a poker hand, they started to see how

    practical theory works, they were more able to adjust in situations and less paranoid

    about playing more exploitative poker.

    Players Who Seemed to Understand it All

    They may

    understand it all, but they still didn�t achieve the results that would match with

    their skill level. They would play great from time to time, do everything needed in

    order to achieve their goals and later on spew it away, fall back in bad habits that

    were not bringing them closer to their poker goals.

    They would be lazy and did not want

    to deal with the hustle of opening and closing tables, let alone managing more than 2

    poker clients so they just hopped in the 500NL zoom pool whenever they felt like

    playing, no matter the opposition.

    We started to analyze their thought processes in

    spells of good and bad plays, took a closer look at why they started to sabotage

    themselves when they started to get closer to their goals and took a closer look if

    their 500NL zoom grind schedule was indeed in line with the goals they had for their

    poker career.

    Now, all knowledge is no longer exclusive to our CFP, you can also make

    the same development in your career.

    Poker Ambition is committed to your success, we

    want you to become a better professional and achieve better results. Subscribe here to

    our free demo of the program!

    Sponsor-generated content from Poker Ambition


    From the 'Solver Wiz-Kids' to those who understand everything, find out how Poker

    Ambition can help


    Yatzy � um jogo de poker de mesa que tem tudo a ver com a fixa��o das combina��es mais lucrativas, pelo que o sucesso neste jogo depende tanto da boa estrat�gia como da sorte. No jogo na Gamezz Online podem participar de duas a quatro pessoas (pode competir com pessoas ao vivo online ou praticar contra o computador). Para ganhar no poker de dados, precisa de disciplinar a akari poker mente e aprender a planear correctamente os seus movimentos.

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    Main types of poker

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    Getting Started

    Prior to beginning PokerTracker 4 for the first time, we strongly recommend that you take five minutes and read through the Quick Start Guide which will walk you through step-by-step instructions for configuring PokerTracker. Reading the Quick Start Guide will help you avoid many of the questions and problems that new users often encounter.

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    Um "remake" "Noir da Game" foi lan�ado para Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2 e Xbox e PlayStation Portable em 30 de Outubro de 2016.

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